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Inline web quiz

Learn the words you translated with stickly on the websites they appear

Stickly web quiz helps you memorise words you translated with spaced repetition - all from the comfort of your web browser.

Stickly helps you master your second or third language by being the best translator where you need it, and by using every opportunity to teach those words you translated.
Simply browse the web, translate words you don't know, and continue reading. Whenever a word you translated appears again, stickly will highlight it and offer an instant translation on hover.

Inline highlights example

Spaced repetition challenge

A short while after your initial translation, stickly will challenge you with the word. Instead of a translation, you will see a little quiz. Translate the word in your native language to solve the quiz. It’s spaced repetition learning in your web browser, with texts you read!

Simply start typing on your keyboard and you’ll see the character placeholders filling up. When the whole word is typed, stickly will give you feedback.

  • Green means that the character is correct at the position you typed.
  • Yellow means the character appears in the word, but in a different position
  • Grey means the character does not exist in the solution.
Try again! After three attempts, stickly will reveal the translation.
Inline quiz exampleInline quiz example