What is comprehensible input? A guide to better language learning

Learning a new language can be a blast, especially when you know the best ways to do it. One effective method is using something called "comprehensible input." But what is that? Don't worry, it's pretty straightforward and can really speed up your language learning. Let's dive into what it is and how you can use it!

So, What Exactly is Comprehensible Input?

Comprehensible input is a concept coined by a linguist named Stephen Krashen. It’s all about getting language input that you can mostly understand, even if you don’t get every single word or grammar rule. Think of it as language that’s just a tiny bit harder than what you already know. This way, you’re always pushing your skills a little further without feeling lost.

Why is Comprehensible Input So Awesome?

It’s How We Naturally Learn

Remember how you learned your first language? You were surrounded by people speaking to you in ways you could kind of understand. That’s comprehensible input in action! It’s a natural way to pick up a language.

It Builds Fluency

When you regularly get language input that’s just a bit challenging, you slowly build up your vocabulary and grammar skills. It’s like adding pieces to a puzzle until you see the whole picture.

It Keeps You Motivated

Understanding what you’re hearing or reading feels good. It keeps you excited about learning because you’re not constantly stuck or frustrated.

How to Use Comprehensible Input in Your Learning Routine

Pick the Right Content

Choose books, articles, videos, and audio that are a bit challenging but still make sense to you. You should understand the main idea without looking up every word.

Use Context Clues

Look for materials that have pictures, gestures, or topics you’re already familiar with. These clues help you figure out new words and phrases more easily.

Get Interactive

Join conversation groups, language exchange meetups, or online forums. Talking with others gives you real-time feedback and helps you practice naturally.

Visual Aids are Your Friends

Use subtitles, pictures, and infographics. They can help you understand and remember new words better.

Practice Regularly

Make comprehensible input a daily habit. Even a few minutes each day can lead to big improvements over time.

Some Fun Ways to Get Comprehensible Input

Graded Readers: These are books designed for language learners, with simple language that gets harder as you go.

Language Learning Apps: Apps like Duolingo and Babbel are great for structured practice.

Podcasts and Videos: Find ones made for learners at your level.

Children’s Media: Kids’ stories, cartoons, and educational shows are perfect for beginners.

Turn the Whole Internet into Comprehensible Input with Stick.ly

Here’s an awesome tip: use the Stick.ly browser extension to turn the entire internet into your personal language learning playground. Stick.ly helps you:

  • Translate Words Instantly: Select any word on a webpage to get an instant translation, making even challenging articles more understandable.
  • Save and Review Vocabulary: Save new words and phrases to your personalized vocabulary list. Stick.ly helps you review these words later, reinforcing your learning. Words you translated before will be highlighted. Hover them to reveal their translation or challenge yourself in a quick quiz.
  • Contextual Learning: Get translations and definitions right in the context where you found the words. This helps you remember and understand new vocabulary better, and build a larger understanding in different contexts.
  • Personalized Learning: The more you use it, the better Stick.ly gets at teaching you the words you need in your life.

With Stick.ly, you can explore your favourite websites, read articles, message people and more, all while learning and understanding new language in real-time.

Wrapping Up

Comprehensible input is like a secret weapon for language learning. By surrounding yourself with language you mostly understand, but that still challenges you, you’ll learn faster and enjoy the process more. And with tools like the Stick.ly browser extension, you can make the whole internet a resource for comprehensible input. So, dive in, explore different resources, and watch your language skills grow!