Improve your second language through reading and playing

Read content you like and translate unknown words. Repeat with auto-generated flashcards and games.

Smart translations

Just read content you like to fuel your vocabulary. Highlight unknown words to see a stickly translation icon appear. Click it to get a context-aware translation and store it for later memorisation.

How it works

Your translations are flashcards

Have you ever had a deja-vu feeling when translating the same word another time? It's not just you: Most translations are forgotten immediately. Stickly automatically creates flashcards from your translations and uses spaced repetition to stick them to your active vocabulary.

Learn through games

Have you ever wondered why it's 2024, but language apps and vocabulary trainers still use the same methods you know from your school textbooks? Connect the right words, fill the gap, you've seen them all. We wondered as well.

Stickly feels more like a game than a chore. A game that helps with your fluency in the language you need to learn faster. And this is just the beginning, follow us on our journey towards language mastery!

Get started for free


Frequently dissolve an upcoming language barrier

  • 20 translations per week
  • no phrase translations
  • invite friends to unlock more

Free forever


Get the most out of your learning efforts

  • unlimited translations
  • words, phrases and paragraphs
  • AI teaching (coming soon)

$4.99 / month

Refer a friend

A great option for students

  • get 20 additional translations per week for each registered invite
  • no phrase translations
  • share

Free forever

Made for you with ❤️ by Alex